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Written By: Yanik Grignon Technical Writer: Scott Pinard
---------- 10848 Jean-Masse ---------------- 5522 Eadie
Montreal, Quebec Montreal, Quebec
Canada. H4J 1S1 Canada. H4E 3S6
grignony@jsp.umontreal.ca ai537@freenet.hsc.colorado.edu
FidoNet: 1:167/207.0 FidoNet: 1:167/207.0
AmigaNet: 40:600/207 AmigaNet: 40:600/207
IRC Nick: RSlayer IRC Nick: TritN
This Program is PostCard-Ware and we ask that anyone who finds this program
usefull, and uses it on a regular basis to please send the Requested
Nominal fee of 1 Postcard of your City. (of course 68040 Accelerator would
be nice) :) Considering the Hard work that went into this Program to keep its
sized down to a minimum, and insure it be Bug free before its release, we are
not asking very much. Also to encourage the Programer to Continue Working on
Great programs for all to enjoy. We are thinking of working on a Much more
Configurable Version that will not be Limited to just Disk Inserts and Removes.
We hope to support Window Opens/Closes, Double Clicks,etc..) Please send
your PostCards to Yanik Grignon or Scott Pinard at the Adresses Above.
Note: Please Indicate any comment or Bugs (Yeah Right!) on the Postcard as
well as the Setup your using DiskExec on. Thank you for your Support.
You can freely distribute DiskExec as long as the Following is
- The program and documentation must be distributed together and
not modified in any way. The only exception is that the program and
documentation may be compressed into an archive for uploading to
Bulletin Boards or for other electronic transmission.
- The program is not to be included in a commercial package for profit
unless written authorisation from Yanik Grignon is obtained first. This
version of DiskExec may be freely included on public domain library disks
or compilation disks provided only a small fee is charged for the service.
- DiskExec - The Commodity Program.
- DiskExec.info - The Icon for DiskExec. (Contains the Datatypes for DE)
- DiskExec.doc - The File your Currently reading :)
- DiskExec.doc.info - The Icon For the Docs.
DiskExec is a program (Actually a Commodity) that is a little bit hard
to describe. It all started when I asked my friend Yanik Grignon to make
me a program to replace this old sharware Program I had lost called "DiskTalk"
which would play Sound Samples when a Disk was Inserted and Removed. After a
Long Discussion we decided we could make the Program Much better than that. We
decided it would not be limited to sound samples. Actually what the program
does is Executes literaly anything when a disk is inserted or removed. Actualy
any two things as the Program treats each task (Insert,Remove) seperatly,hence
one executed task for insert, another for remove. I will discuss
applications of the program later on in the manual.
As DiskExec is a Commodity, it requires OS2.04 or later. If you require
a version of DiskExec for Workbench 1.3 or earlier, Send us Mail
(Electronic or snail) at the Address at the begining of this Doc. Of course
the OS1.3 version is a Command Line (CLI) version only.
Although a HardDrive is not a Neccessity (due to DiskExec's size) it
will make the Program a lot more usefull and Quicker.
DiskExec has been tested on several Systems ECS, and AGA to ensure
compatibitly. I Personaly have tested it on an A500,A2000HD (Accelerated
and Not), and an A1200HD. It works like a charm on all of em.
This is a Really hard section to write as the Posibilities are truely
Endless. But I Will List a few of the More Common Ones People would want to
use this Program for..
As I said earlier, DiskExec Will Literaly run anything when it detects
a Disk Insert/remove because Yanik programed it to Actually execute a
Command line. So Anything that can Be Executed, be it Program, Script,
etc.. will work with DiskExec. Simply place your Command line in the
Tooltypes to have DiskExec execute them. Now for some Examples:
1) Sound Samples: This is What I use DiskExec for. All you need to make
DiskExec to Play sound Samples is a Sample Player (SMPlay included in the
SoundMachine Package or Play8SVX included in ReqTools Package are good
ones) and Sound Samples. Here is my Tooltypes List for Playing Sound
INSERTED=Play8SVX dh0:s/DE_IN.iff
REMOVED=Play8SVX dh0:s/DE_Out.iff
^^Player ^^Path and Sample
In Other Words you place the actual command line as if you were going to
run it in a Shell Manualy, so DE knows and can do this Automaticly.
2) Load a Picture: Someone pointed out to us that it would be funny to have
your System display Some kind of Picture With a "Thank you for Inserting a
Disk" or "a Disk has been Inserted" text in it. If you wish to do this too,
all you'll need is a Picture Viewer and Pictures. A neat way of Customizing
your WorkBench.
3) Loging Disk Activity: This is very usefull for Networked Amigas as well
as Normal Users. For a Network of Amigas Disk Exec can keep track of Every
Disk Put into the Network by Using DiskExec to Log all Disks (and there
Names, or Content if you wish) being inserted into the Computers of your
Network. This is Very good for Ensuring no one is Bringing and Playing
games and/or Copying (c)opyright Software on your Network. The reasons for
loging disks are Numerous. For the Regular user, you can use this Loging of
Disks by DiskExec to Track Down that Elusive Virus that keeps Plaguing your
Amiga.. When you load your Computer, And have DiskExec configured for
Loging Disks, Every disk you insert will be loged and when a Virus is
Detected on your System you need only look in your log file for the disks
you inserted. One of these Disks is the Infected one..
4) Executing a Script: This I leave up to the User to Imagine. It can be
used to aid the Log Disk Process (ie. you can have a Script that logs the
Disk Name, Content, time of day, and date) thus when a Disk is inserted the
Script will be run, thus loging all the info you require on that Disk.
Other Uses are left to the Imagination of the User.
If you Find any other Usefull uses of DiskExec Please let Us know so
we can include it in the Next Version. Share the Wealth as they Say.
DiskExec is Extremly easy to use as it is a Commodity. Simply Drag its
Icon into your WBStartup Drawer, Set the ToolTypes, and Run it (or Reboot).
To Kill it, simply Run it a second time or use Exchange.
To configure the Tooltypes Simply Click Once on DiskExec's Icon and
Select Information in the ICONS menu of WorkBench. Please Remove the (,)'s
that surround the tooltype to be able to use them.
CX_PRIORITY=0 : This Tooltype allows you to set the Priority of the
Commodity which if set to a higher value will give
DiskExec Priority over other Commodities.
INSERTED=<command> : This is where you put your Command line for a Disk
Being Inserted. Simply delete the "<command>" and
place your own command line right after the = (no
space after the "=")
REMOVED=<command> : This is where you put your Command line for a disk
being Removed. Simply delete the "<command>" and
place your own command line right after the = (No
space after the "=")
DiskExec has been changed Dramaticly since its First Beta Release. For One
thing. It was Originaly Programed in E. This was for two Reasons. 1) He was
programming in E when I asked him about my Idea and 2) as a Test to see if
he could do it in E. The Original CLI Version (in E) worked very well but
We wanted to make it a Commodity. After weeks of trying to get the program
to to read information out of the tooltypes, Yanik gave up on E and rewrote
DiskExec in C. After Switching to C, the Commodity version emerged rather
***Programers Note: If anyone knows how to get an E Program to read
its Info from the Icon ToolTypes, I am Still interested in finding
out to further my knowledge of E and for Future Projects..***
Version #'s: Comment:
----------- -------
0.10 Original CLI Version (written in E - Never Released)
Several #'s First Attempt at Commodity Version in E (Never Worked)
0.90 First Beta Release of Commodity (Re-Written in C)
1.00 First Official Release of DiskExec (Commodity Version)
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ THE END /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/